Last year for Dessa’s birthday we drank fortified wine under a bridge with a dog-eared copy of Johnathan Livingston Seagull. It was all right, but it was pretty much like every other year, so we thought we’d try something different this time. It so happens that Yoni from Medida is also celebrating a birthday. We talked him out of his usual TV dinner and phone call to mom, and are pleased to announce this Birthday Rapstravaganza: Saturday May 21st at the Cabooze (917 Cedar Ave, Mpls) we’ve got Doomtree, Crescent Moon and the Pitch Black Nights, Medida, Yoni, Negative One, and Cheap Cologne. 18+. $6. Doors at 8:30, music @ 9pm. Hey, it’s better than staring at a gun on the coffee table.