

Everyone’s favorite public radio station, KFAI, will be presenting Cecil and Dessa (OtterDarling) at the Triple Rock on Saturday the 28th. Presenting them with what we’re not sure, but we’re hoping it’s good. Not, like, a subpoena or something.

On Tuesday the 31st, Fifth Element presents Essential Elements at the Dinkytowner. Sims, aside from performing, will be unleashing his new malt energy drink (STIMZ) in the Blockbuster parking lot. Ernie Rhodes of the Dialogue Elevaters Crew is expected to down six or seven cans, black out, and get into a heated confrontation with an ATM machine.

Last, a question: does your current street team understand you? If your answer is no, then maybe it’s time to consider moving on. Doomtree is currently putting together a bigger, stronger, faster street team than we have ever known. If you’re interested in helping out and enjoy getting free shit, shoot an e-mail to [email protected].