Wednesdays With Lazerbeak

LazerbeakLazerbeak, News


Welcome back to the 2nd ever Wednesdays With Lazerbeak.  I just got back into town last night, hence the day late post.  So excited about this album release party we have set up for Legend Recognize Legend!!!  As you can see above, we are doing it real real big for this one….  Doomtree and a special one-off reunitiation of The Plastic Constellations!  All of my oldest and dearest friends under one roof.  Plus I’ll be playing the songs off the album for the first time ever, backed by my glorious ensemble of LEGENDZ.  It will truly be a night to remember.  Tickets are available online HERE, or you can pick them up for cheap at Fifth Element and Electric Fetus, as well as the Fine Line box office.  Do it.

Again, you can hear the first single and pre-order Legend Recognize Legend HERE.  I certainly would appreciate it if you did.  By doing so not only will you receive the autographed CD and DVD with 10 music videos, but you will also be granted access to a private webcast where I will be answering any and all questions/concerns, giving away inside trade secrets on how to craft Lava Bangers as well as how to drink Lava Bangers, and performing some unreleased material with some very special guests.  Not to beat a dead horse, but seriously, you can (and should) get all of that HERE.  Plus if you order in the next couple days you will get one of these sweet autographed posters, limited to the first 300 pre-orders.  Only a small stack remaining.


I should have some exciting video news and a new song to leak sometime next week.  In the meantime we’ve been hard at work gearing up for the September 28th release.  Below are a few pictures of my ultimate street team (Chi Town I see you) assembling the promo mailers that were sent out to various press outlets.  I am fully counting on a big time interview with Teen Vogue to come out of all this grunt work.

mailer party


Switching gears a bit, this last week I was fortunate enough to go on my third annual glorious getaway to my good friend Matt’s awesome family cabin/mansion.  A big group of us have been doing this at the end of every summer to relax, rage, and repeat before the fall starts creeping in and everything gets insanely hectic.  It is generally the thing that I look forward to the most all year long, and I have to say we topped even my highest of expectations this time around.  They say a picture is worth a thousand words, and if that is true then that would be like a million words I would have to type to sum up the sweet slide show below.  This is just a sampling of what we got into.  I felt like an extra in Great Outdoors (minus the bear scenes, bat scenes, and Dan Akroyd’s annoying family).  It ruled so hard.

wave storm

That is me  and my dog Della on a contraption called a Wave Storm.  I waded around in this thing for several hours every day.  Pretty extreme stuff.


A view from the pontoon.


A view from the fridge door.

water skisDSC07638

Extreme Water Sportz.

hammocklake view

Extreme Nature Shotz.

pizza partytequilas

Extreme Pizza Party and Blind-Folded Tequila Taste Testing Challenge.  It was determined that Don Julio truly is the don of tequilas, even if you don’t really like tequila that much.  1800 not so much.


The entire crew, 15 deep.  Still gotta come up with a good name for us, but the term LEGENDZ comes to mind.  Easily some of the best times ever with some of the best friends ever, and I didn’t even see one TICK!  Bonus.

I’ll leave you with a couple of throwback Bonus Jams.  The first track is off a super early Los Lobos album that the homie Mike Mictlan put me onto a few years back.  It’s a bunch of traditional Tex-Mex songs that he grew up listening to in L.A., and the whole thing makes for some incredible road trip music.  We bumped this the whole way home from the cabin and it ruled.  The second track is from Dave Hollister’s underrated classic album Chicago ’85: The Movie.  When I first met my wifepiece Brittany many moons ago, we immediately bonded over our love of modern R&B music.  This album had just come out at the time and it pretty much blew our minds wide open.  Dude got his start in Blackstreet and then went solo dolo, with this album being his masterpiece.  This was his big hit off Chicago ’85, which we also rocked extremely hard on our way home from the cabin.  Enjoy.  I hope you all have a wonderful week.  See you next Tuesday!

— Beak