Tour Days with Lazerbeak

LazerbeakLazerbeak, News, Tour

austin thugz

Ayo!  Welcome back to another incredibly glorious photo blog edition of Tour Days With Lazerbeak.  At this point we only have one week left on the road before returning home to Minneapolis to rock the two night Doomtree Blowout 6.  Tour is absolutely ruling.  We had the good fortune of having not one but two super pro photographers (Bennie and Ricardo) with us last week, so make sure to check out and for the real deal documentation of all the shows.  Highlights from Week Four on the road include: a couple bringing Lava Banger shot ingredients to the Philly show, having a huge 28 person Friend Feast/Epic Dance Party on Thanksgiving at Paper’s apartment, selling out the NYC show before the doors even opened, and watching Cecil listen to the entire new Nicki Minaj album on headphones today in the van after watching her MTV documentary in the hotel this morning.  Life couldn’t be better.  Montreal is gorgeous.  I love my team.  Thank you again to all the incredible people who continue to come and pack out these shows in every city we hit.  Couldn’t be more pleased with how everything is going.  This tour has been an incredibly humbling eye opener.  Can’t wait to get home and crush out an insane amount of new Lava Bangerz.  See you next Tuesday for a final recap of the last week of tour.  Hope you have the best week ever!

— Beak

(Tons and tons more photos after the jump, click here)

crowd nyc

mike rambo

dessa haircut

ander haircut

beak haircut

cecil pot pie

stef casino

dessa truck

sims sara

portland maine

beak towel mask


lavabangerz 2

mike photo shoot

cecil weirdo

paper nyc

partee boiz

dessa stef piano

sims gas station

van guys

cecil beak

dessa disco

mike bags

nyc rooftop

stef maine

beak legendz